As I noticed during the School project, there is a strong
over-building lobby in town.  People think that large projects
will add value to property etc (possibly does) .  Some sell and leave.
Let us be conservative, let us not urbanize the town.
I appeal to the leaders to contain the costs.
Best regards,
Bijoy Misra

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 2:15 PM Karla Gravis <> wrote:

> The 2015 study looked at building a new, all-in community center at each
> site. What we need now is to look at supplementing activities in other
> sites around town. The charge from the November 2022 town meeting
> specifically mentions this as an option for the committee. Voters assumed
> the committee would demonstrate a good faith effort to do so, but this
> hasn't happened. We need to remember that even if we build a new community
> center, we will still need to maintain Bemis Hall and Pierce House. These
> costs are not included in the current ICON estimates.
> I have attended quite a few of the CCBC meetings, so I am not new to the
> process. To me, the main difficulty is that we are on the path to
> overbuilding, again. According to the CCBC's own benchmarking, Wayland
> (with double our population and double our number of seniors per the CCBC)
> has managed to approve a project with a price tag that is less than the
> cheapest option being evaluated for Lincoln. They managed this by hosting a
> portion of their activities in locations around town. We should follow
> their example.
>> *Cc:* Listserv Listserv <>
>> *Subject:* *Re: [LincolnTalk] Last Night's Community Center Forum*
>> Lynn,
>> Thanks for your interest in the Community Center.  It is clear you are very
>> new to the program.  Please visit the CCBC website where you will find the
>> final reports for the
>>  2015 Study Committee.  Five sites in Town were studied, design options
>> identified and costed ( in 2015 construction cost dollars):
>> Bemis Hall, Pierce House, Hartwell, Lincoln Station and DPW site.
>> 2016 Campus Master Planning Committee - Evaluated the impact of siting the
>> CC on the school campus.
>> 2018 CCPPDC with actual designs for buildings at the Hartwell site.
>> The charge of the current committee doesn't include revisiting these other
>> sites.
>> Please read the reports.
>> We have been challenged by very real needs on that site posed by the LEAP
>> program, but our PRIMARY DIFFICULTY relates to the astronomical escalation
>> of construction costs  ( totally out of our control), and the severe
>> restraints imposed by the Town to look for lower cost options.  Even our
>> "100%" option provides way less than what was presented in 2018.
>> Dilla Tingley
>> COA&HS Board, CCBC Committee Member
>>> *From:* Forest Brown <>
>>> *Date:* September 13, 2023 at 10:42:11 AM EDT
>>> *To:* "Lynn DeLisi, M.D." <>
>>> *Cc:* Listserv Listserv <>
>>> *Subject:* *Re: [LincolnTalk] Last Night's Community Center Forum*
>>> Dear Lynn,
>>> Thank you so much for thoughtfully describing your perspective. I was
>>> also wondering about improving upon preexisting buildings as an
>>> alternative. I am in complete agreement with what you’ve shared here. I
>>> appreciate you willing to serve on behalf of other residents who feel the
>>> same way.
>>> Becca
>>> On Sep 13, 2023, at 10:29 AM, Lynn DeLisi, M.D. via Lincoln <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Wednesday September 13, 2023
>>> Dear LT,
>>> I am posting my personal views, not as a member of the Town Planning
>>> Board, but as one resident of this unique town. I want to thank the
>>> Community Center Building Committee and the Architects for their hard work
>>> for our Town over the last several months. However, after listening to the
>>> Community Center Building Committee’s Forum last evening, it has become
>>> very clear to me that the Town’s vision to improve facilities for the COA
>>> cannot be accomplished on the school site as “selected” by residents of the
>>> Town a few years ago. We hired excellent architects who have listened to
>>> the committee and the public now for several months and have come up with
>>> 3+ major plans, recommending the middle priced one that is at 75% the
>>> original very expensive estimate given to us last year. The lowest price
>>> option was shown to be inadequate for COA activities and would be only as
>>> one person said “moving the COA from one deficient site to another”.
>>> It was also clear that remaining on the school site means we “must”,
>>> according to the committee leadership, include in our community center
>>> renovating or rebuilding space for the after school program called “LEAP”,
>>> despite many residents giving input that this program is the school’s
>>> responsibility and not that of a Community Center. In addition there are
>>> safety issues related to traffic patterns, increased cars and children
>>> walking or on bikes to get to and from school and activities.
>>> Furthermore, it was clear from the lack of discussion on the topic last
>>> night, that there was no SERIOUS consideration by the committee of other
>>> sites throughout Town that could be appropriate for a community center,
>>> particularly COA functions. While Bemis Hall and the Pierce House have been
>>> visited, no details about what it would take to renovate them have been
>>> presented, nor has anyone taken the time to investigate whether the Town
>>> could use other buildings or space, historic or otherwise, along Lincoln Rd
>>> or nearby and renovate any of them for a community center that at least
>>> houses the COA. Mainly, the committee remains on the school campus because
>>> it is the best place for Parks and Rec to be and many people want to mix
>>> generations in a “Community Center for All”.
>>> I would like to propose that a new Town Committee be formed of concerned
>>> residents, who would still like to see the Town have a safe and up-to-date
>>> improved space for a COA, to conduct activities, but do not want taxes
>>> raised any further, and be a committee that SERIOUSLY examines existing
>>> sites that could be renovated, even if it means the cost of purchasing them
>>> for the Town. I would be happy to serve on such a committee. In the mean
>>> time until this committee does its work, we should put the Building
>>> Committee and architects on hold and not have a special Town Meeting to
>>> vote on the School site options in December. When Town’s residents selected
>>> the school site as the “best” for a community center, they did not know
>>> what we know now.
>>> Lynn DeLisi
>>> 125 South Great Rd
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