Brilliant solution

On Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 7:45 PM Anne Warner <> wrote:

> I agree both with the formal definition of Semite as including Arabs, as
> well as others, but it is unquestionable that the colloquial understanding
> of the word is anti-Jews.
> May I suggest before we go down a rabbit hole here that we simply consider
> a statement that Lincoln stands against discrimination and hate crimes to
> any and all groups of people?
> - Sent from iPhone. Typed by thumb. Excuse misspellings!
> On Nov 8, 2023, at 6:41 PM, Rich Rosenbaum <> wrote:
> While what you say is true, I believe most people equate antisemitism with
> discrimination against Jews. Also from the Wikipedia
> <>:
> Antisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is hostility
>> to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews.
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 5:54 PM John and Margit Griffith <
>> wrote:
>> As the discussion progresses toward a statement against antisemitism, I
>> think it's important people understand about whom we're talking.  I thought
>> I saw one post which said we should be in support of Palestinians as
>> well... which we would be affirming with a statement of support for semitic
>> people - who include (from Wikipedia):
>> Semitic Speaking People (historical and present-day)
>> Central Semitic[edit
>> <>
>> ]
>>    - Amorites <> – 20th century BC
>>    - Arabs <>
>>       - Alawites <>
>>       - Ancient North Arabian
>>       <>-speaking
>>       bedouins <>
>>       - Itureans <>
>>       - Nabataeans <>
>>    - Arameans <> – 16th to 8th
>>    centuries BC[54]
>>    <>
>>       - Akhlames <> (Ahlamu) 14th
>>       century BC.[55]
>>       <>
>>       - Mhallami <>
>>    - Canaanite-speaking
>>    <> nations of the
>>    early Iron Age:
>>       - Ammonite speakers
>>       <> of Ammon
>>       <>
>>       - Edomite <>
>>       - Hebrews <>/Israelites
>>       <> – founded the nation of
>>       Israel
>>       <> 
>> which
>>       later split into the Kingdoms of Israel
>>       <> and
>>       Judah <>.
>>          - Jews <>
>>          - Samaritans <>
>>       - Moabites <>
>>       - Phoenicia <> – founded
>>       Mediterranean colonies including Tyre
>>       <,_Lebanon>, Sidon
>>       <> and ancient Carthage
>>       <>/Punics
>>       <>. The remnants of these
>>       people became the modern inhabitants of Lebanon.
>>    - Chaldea <>  – appeared in
>>    southern Mesopotamia c. 1000 BC and eventually disappeared into the 
>> general
>>    Babylonian population.
>>    - Druze <>
>>    - Maltese <>
>>    - Nasrani
>>    <>/
>>    Nazarenes <>
>>       - Antiochian Greek Christians
>>       <>
>>       - Mandaeans <>
>>       - Maronites <>
>>    - Thamud <> – 2nd to 5th
>>    centuries AD
>>    - Ugarit <>, 14th to 12th
>>    centuries BC
>> East Semitic[edit
>> <>
>> ]
>>    - Akkadian Empire <> –
>>    ancient Semitic speakers moved into Mesopotamia in the fourth millennium 
>> BC
>>    and settled among the local peoples of Sumer
>>    <>.[56]
>>    <>[57]
>>    <>
>>    - Assyrian Empire <>. The
>>    remnant of them became the Assyrian people
>>    <>.
>>    - Babylonian Empire <>
>>    - Ebla <> – 23rd century BC
>> South Semitic[edit
>> <>
>> ]
>>    - Abyssinian
>>    <>-speaking
>>    peoples
>>       - Axum <> – 4th
>>       century BC to 7th century AD
>>       - Amhara people <>
>>       - Argobba people <>
>>       - Dahalik people <>
>>       - Gurage people <>
>>       - Harari people <>
>>       - Judaised Abyssinians like Beta Israel
>>       <>, Beta Abraham
>>       <> and Falash Muras
>>       <>.
>>       - Jeberti people <>
>>       - Silt'e people <>
>>       - Tigrigna People <>
>>       - Tigray people <>
>>       - Tigre people <>
>>       - Wolane people <>
>>       - Zay people <>
>>    - Old <> and Modern
>>    South Arabian 
>> <>-speaking
>>    peoples
>>       - Bathari people <>
>>       - Faifi people <>
>>       - Ancient Hadramitic
>>       <>-speakers.
>>       Eventually evolved into the modern day Hadhrami people
>>       <>.
>>       - Himyarites <> from 110
>>       BCE until 578 CE
>>       - Yemenite Jews <>
>>       - Harsusi people <>
>>       - Hobyot people <>
>>       - Mehri people <>
>>       - Minaeans <> 10th century
>>       BCE to 2nd centuries BC
>>       - Qatabanians <>
>>       - Shehri people <>
>>       - Razihi people <>
>>       - Sabaeans <> of Yemen – 9th
>>       to 1st centuries BC
>>       - Soqotri people <>
>> Margit
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