How can the RLF guarantee that any particular commercial space will remain
once they sell the land to Civico? Are they planning to include
a requirement for a supermarket in the deed? Anything else would just be a

On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 6:09 PM Margo Fisher-Martin <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We know that a zoning change does not “dictate” that anything be built or
> changed, but we also know that major changes WILL happen in Lincoln, should
> this pass. Do any of you remember many years ago when zoning changes were
> made that impacted any changes an owner could make (as much as a bay
> window) without ZBA approval on pre-existing non-conforming lots? Some
> people who are pushing for the re-zoning here are the same people that
> tried to instill the fear of “mansionisation” should we allow any changes
> to homes on less than 2 acre lots. At town meeting, they showed pictures of
> dense mid-rise housing from other towns to scare people into taking away
> the rights of the pre-existing (grandfathered) non-conforming lot owners.
> Now some of these same people are advocating for providing similar dense
> mid-rise housing that they were adamantly opposed to. What happened to the
> “stewards of the land?”
> Sincerely,
> Margo Martin
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 5:27 PM Margaret Olson <>
> wrote:
>> Michelle Barnes from the RLF can confirm, but I believe Donelan's will
> remain after the mall redevelopment.
> A reminder: zoning affects what the property owner has a right to do with
> their property. It does not dictate that anything be built or changed.
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 4:38 PM Terri via Lincoln <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> If I am reading  the rezoning plans correctly.... the  Reducition in
>> retail includes eliminating Donelans and the  Bank.
> Is this correct?
>>> Theresa K
>>> On Friday, November 10, 2023 at 11:25:26 AM EST, Sara Mattes <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Is the alternative for the nation area to fill it with dense housing,
>>> while we are told there will be reduction in retail?
>>> And, that housing will only reflect the wealth gap-only 10% affordable,
>>> and the rest, high-end?
>>> What happened to the concept of a “vibrant commercial center?”
>>> What happened to a “walkable village?”
>>> What will everyone walk to as retail is reduced?
>>> Each other's units?
>>> Let us be more creative in what we can develop.
>>> As Ken has suggested, we have done it in the past.
>>> We seem to have lost our mojo.
>>> Let’s get it back.
>>> The HCA is NOT the answer.
>>> ------
>>> Sara Mattes
>>> On Nov 10, 2023, at 10:55 AM, Ken Hurd <> wrote:
>>> Hello LincolnTalkers,
>>> During the discussion on the Zoom forum hosted by the HCAWG on Wednesday
>>> evening, I mentioned the recently released report on the history of
>>> exclusionary zoning in the Boston area.  And also, for those of you who
>>> couldn’t stay to see it following the Wednesday morning forum at Town Hall,
>>> below is the link to hear the presentation sponsored by The Boston
>>> Foundation.
>>> Unless we know our history, it is known that history has a tendency to
>>> repeat itself. With respect to objections raised to the options offered by
>>> the Housing Choice Working Group, I do hope that current residents can
>>> follow the example of earlier Lincoln leaders from the 1970’s who worked
>>> with, rather than against, the 40B mandate from the state to provide more
>>> affordable housing.  That, and their efforts to preserve land in a way that
>>> could be shared with others, made Lincoln a model community that attracted
>>> national attention.
>>> With the Housing Choice Act, there is no less an opportunity to combine
>>> our responsibility to provide more housing in the greater Boston region
>>> with helping to revive the ailing Lincoln Station area.  After all, given
>>> our current manner of approving development around Lincoln Station and the
>>> fact that there has been no interest by developers in doing so for the past
>>> eighteen years, even with more favorable economic conditions, why should we
>>> expect anything different other than more empty spaces available for lease
>>> going forward?
>>> I urge us to affirm the work of the Working Group to fulfill the spirit
>>> of the Housing Choice Act by supporting Option C, including the rezoning of
>>> the mall, to address this conundrum.
>>> Here is the link to the report:
>>> Exclusionary by Design: An Investigation of Zoning’s Use as a Tool of
>>> Race, Class, and Family Exclusion in Boston’s Suburbs, 1920 to Today
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <tbfico.png>
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> Respectfully,
>>> Ken Hurd
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