I have external casts with bitmap members, all linked to tif files. I've 
edited a bunch of tif files to change their dimensions. When I play the 
movie, the images are displayed in their new dimensions, and the property 
inspector shows correctly the new dimensions of all images. But this:

put member(i, "Images"). rect

continues to show the old dimensions for all edited images. The only 
explanation I can think of is that the older dimensions were stored in the 
cst file and have not been refreshed after the images were resized.

Doing this:

member(i, "Images"). filename = "D:\Images\FileName.tif"

does cause the sizing info to be refreshed correctly for the image--but 
looping with Lingo through all images in all casts is a nuisance, and seems 
like a crude force way of doing it. I can't help thinking there should be a 
smarter way to tell the cast to refresh its info. Save and Compact the cast 
doesn't do it.

Is there a smarter way?


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