I'll throw out a guess based on your description. Here's my understanding:

You are attempting to create a QT object. In the "new" handler of your script, you are checking for QT being installed. In the case where it is not installed, your new method is issueing a go to frame xxx.

My guess is that you are creating the object like this:

global gQTObject

gQTObject = new(script "QTObject script")

then the sprites are trying to use the global gQTObject.

If this is the case, then your problem is that you are issueing the go to before the gQTObject is assigned a value. That is, in the code of the "new" handler, you are doing the go to before you do the "return me".

If this is the case, then you should split up the code into a new handler and a separate handler to check for QT:

on new me
  -- any initialization code that runs once
  return me

on IsQTInstalled me
   if <QT is installed> then
      return TRUE
      return FALSE
   end if

Then you initialization code would be something like this:

  gQTObject = new(script "QTObject script")
  OK = gQTObject.IsQTInstalled()
  if not(fOK) then
     go frame "Missing QT"
  end if
  -- Carry on ....

If I am wrong about your structuring, please post some code so we can see what is happening.


At 5:22 PM -0600 4/2/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ok, now that I've got your attention, has anyone else experienced this -

I have a child object being birthed at the very onset of a movie. All
works well. blah blah blah.

I've now uninstalled qt  on this pc - this app uses qt, and if qt isn't
installed I'm to go to the 'hey you need this frame'.

Well I just stepped through the entire birthing of the object - it
happens fine, right at the beginning. And the object itself then GOES TO A
FRAME where sprites request what's needed. But they're getting a freaking
'void' error that there's no object to call from, EVEN THOUGH THE OBJECT

This only happened when I uninstalled qt?

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