Howdy-Tzi wrote:
> On Wednesday, Jun 4, 2003, at 08:53 America/Chicago, Rodrigo Peres
> wrote:
> > There's a way to compare if colors are
> > greater than or darker than???
> Try using color objects and palette index conversions:
> oColor = color(#rgb, 255,255,255)
> oColor2 = color(#rgb, 0,0,0)
> put oColor.paletteIndex > oColor2.paletteIndex
> -- 0
> put oColor.paletteIndex < oColor2.paletteIndex
> -- 1

Works in the extreme case, but it gets shaky in the middle values unless you're using 
the greyscale palette:

cyan = color(#rgb, 0, 255, 255)
dkcyan = color(#rgb, 0, 204, 255)
dkbrn = color(#rgb, 51, 0, 0)

-- System - Win palette
put cyan.paletteIndex 
-- 1
put dkbrn.paletteIndex
-- 179
put dkcyan.paletteIndex
-- 184

-- System - Mac palette
put cyan.paletteIndex 
-- 180
put dkbrn.paletteIndex
-- 179
put dkcyan.paletteIndex
-- 186

-- Greyscale palette
put cyan.paletteIndex 
-- 85
put dkbrn.paletteIndex
-- 238
put dkcyan.paletteIndex
-- 102


I have no superfluous leisure; my stay must be stolen out
of other affairs; but I will attend you awhile.
           - Isabella, Measure for Measure, Act 3 Scene 1
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