I am developing right now on XP, has anyone got a solution except using
mpegs and Tabuleiro extras? Is this a common thing with Quicktime and

Thanks for answer.


> Matbe I was doing somthing wrong, but I have always had 
> trouble with Quicktime in MIAWs on windows. Seems to work 
> fine on NT and Mac, but would crash ME, XP, etc. You might 
> want to try using Mpegs and Mpeg Advance Xtra from Tabuleiro 
> if you want to run Movies in a MIAW.  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kristian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 9:45 AM
> Subject: RE: <lingo-l> Projector vs. external cast - BUT MIAW...
> Thanks again for answer.
> Seems like some things are straightened out for me now.
> I actually did get it to work with external casts and 
> projectors (using
> CastControl) will try the other tips that I have gotten from 
> you as well.
> Another MIAW issue:
> When my main movie opens a MIAW that contains a quicktime 
> movie it works fine only the first time the MIAW is opened. 
> If I close it and reopen it the quicktime movie freezes and 
> the controls does not work at all. Again it works fine in 
> authoring-mode but not in projector-mode.
> I do handle "forgetMIAW" with "closeWindow" and such.
> Something anyone has heard about or stumbled into?
> > It doesn't need to be included in the projector, but it needs
> > to be specifically linked. Modify | Movie | Casts | Link. 
> > Choose the cast, save and compact. That's the only way the 
> > movie knows to use that cast.
> OK, will try that. Thanks.
> > I'll admit a little uncertainty on the MIAW issue. I'm pretty
> > sure the cast needs to be linked to the stage movie, but I 
> > could be wrong. Try linking it to the MIAW movie first, then 
> > if it doesn't work, link it to the stage movie too. I'd 
> > appreciate a confirmation.
> What I did was: use the CastControl Xtra (which allows me to 
> attach and detach *.cst's) and initialized it in the stage 
> movie as well and then it worked fine even in the projector. 
> Have not tried it without CastControl but will post message 
> and result when I have done so.
> > Ok, just a couple of caveats. First, have a place-holder
> > sprite for the sprites you're going to assign. It can be a 
> > zero-pixel bitmap (open the paint window, name the cast 
> > member, and close the paint window without drawing anything), 
> > and of course the same cast member can be used for all the 
> > place holder sprites.
> Did not know about. I guess a part of my problem is that I 
> create the the sprites at the same time as the cast members 
> and the assign the cast members to the sprites.
> > Also, you will probably want to specifically puppet the
> > sprites when you assign them new members.
> I already puppet the sprites.
> > The swfs can be heavy, but you do know that QT files are
> > always external, don't you? They're linked by nature, even if 
> > the cast is internal.
> Yes I did know that.
> > Ok, I assume your projector is on a Mac. If it's on Windows,
> > you'll need to use the \ path seperator.
> It actually is developed for both platforms but I did know 
> about the path separator.
> > 
> > Is the projector in the same folder as your dir file? That
> > is, does the Assets:Content.cst cast exist as a subfolder? 
> Yes it is.
> > I'm not sure what setExternalFlaMemberProps does--does it
> > import swf files? If so, do you have specific paths to those 
> > swf files?
> It's a function for setting the flash member properties 
> through lingo instead of in the member properties in the 
> actual cast because I (among other things) need to set 
> regPoint (which I didn't find in the props window)... And 
> even if I set some properties in the actual cast it seems my 
> main movie ignores them.
> > If you're using 8.5 or later, it's time to set the
> > debugPlaybackEnabled = TRUE and do some puts to see what's 
> > happening in the projector.
> Will try.
> > Cordially,
> > 
> > Kerry Thompson
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