Check out the following in the Lingo Dictionary:

  go next
  go previous
  go marker(-1)
  go marker(1)

I'm assuming that you have your slides layed out in the score, and are jumping to the next or previous markers - where you have a standard "go to the frame" script.


At 7:54 PM -0700 8/29/03, Pier de Sanctis wrote:
Hello there,

I have a relatively simple question regarding the creation of a slide show. Before I go on to describe what I want to accomplish, take a second to laugh, because this request comes from a Director novice. Having said that, I need to create a screen with two buttons (back and forward) that control the pictures being displayed by a slide show. I know of a cumbersome way of doing this by creating a button per picture that brings you to a specific marker, but this means creating as many buttons as there are images. There has to be a way to write a behavior that allows you to move forward and back between frames. Right?

I thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give me.


Pier de Sanctis
314 East 86th, Apt #3
New York, NY 10028
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Multimedia Wrangler.
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