Hi Grimm...

Yes!  I did this exact thing a few years back.  If you're considering
the parallaxed content to be bitmaps, I'd *think* 3d is not the way to
go because you would have to use larger bitmaps to make up the distance
difference the further away from the camera they are.

I used 2d, three sprites on top of one another and with a left and right
button, moved the top one 3px, the middle one 2px, the bottom one 1px
either left or right depending on whether or not the directional buttons
are pressed on exitframe.  The text in my foreground is one big see
through 1-bit bitmap.


- Michael M.

> I've got this project, the idea is a timeline using parallax, where
the timeline is the middle, the background is just ...background, and
the dates/content are the foreground.  I'm actually thinking rather than
do this in 2d/imaging lingo, perhaps use actual 3d billboards and move
the camera; this way I can 'layout' the timeline/content basically in a
1 to 1 and move the camera...perhaps even a light from behind for some

Any thoughts? Has anyone does something (as simple as this) before?

As for the timeline dates, would it be best to create flat planes with a
text texture on it (ie a flash member image) or actual 3d text members?

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