Thanks everyone for the additional responses!  It's all much

> Also, cursors behave differently in MIAWs, so if you are doing this in
MIAW, say so.

Yes it's in a MIAW, so wouldn't you know it, when I wrapped the cursor
command in a tell the stage/end tell, it worked!  When you say cursors
behave differently in MIAWs, that was my cue.

> "it doesn't change when it is supposed to".
> Care to let us know what it is 'supposed to' do, and how it is
Good catch.  Being specific does help.  :-)  See below.

> Are you using sprite(x).cursor = y anywhere in the movie for that
particular sprite channel? sprite(x).cursor = y has priority over
No, but thanks for the tip.

Buzz's intuition is correct: My mouseWithin handler mimics the a:hover
class for CSS links on a web page.  In other words, constantly on
mouseWithin, when you are over the text, lingo tests if you are over a
link, and if so, the link changes color and adds an underline (the
a:hover class), and when you are not over any link, the hyperlink range
goes back to looking like a default link.

And, yes, I do see a performance hit in doing that.  Has anyone done
this with better efficiency?

- Michael M.

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