Hi all...

In Windows, how do you put the focus on a certain MUI widget, namely a
#defaultPushButton?  My #defaultPushButton has its thicker black border,
but that Windows dotted line isn't on it, and therefore it doesn't
depress with the spacebar keyed down.  Am I missing some attribute

Michael M.

on editAnswerWarningNext()  
  gMUI = [:]
  theInstance = xtra("mui").new()
  gMUI.addProp(#instance, theInstance)  
  -- create the window properties first...
  theWindowProps = gMUI.instance.getWindowPropList()
  theWindowProps.name = "Editing Your Answer(s)"
  theWindowProps.callback = "editAnswerWarningNextDecision"
  theWindowProps.mode = #dialogUnit
  theWindowProps.xPosition = -1
  theWindowProps.yPosition = -1
  theWindowProps.height = 75
  theWindowProps.width = 280
  theWindowProps.toolTips = FALSE  
  -- create all the widgets next...
  theWindowItems = []  
  -- window begin
  tempWidget = gMUI.instance.getItemPropList()
  tempWidget.type = #windowBegin
  -- icon
  tempWidget = [#value:"", #type:#bitmap,
#attributes:[#bitmapIcon:#question], #title:"", #tip:"", #locH:10,
#locV:10, #width:25, #height:25, #enabled:TRUE]
  -- label
  theMsg = "Your response to this Knowledge Check is incomplete."
  theMsg = theMsg & RETURN & RETURN & "Are you sure you want to skip it
and move ahead to the next screen?"
  tempWidget = [#value:theMsg, #type:#label, #attributes:[],
#title:"check item", #tip:"tip", #locH:43, #locV:12, #width:300,
#height:40, #enabled:TRUE]
  -- Yes button
  tempWidget = [#value:1, #type:#pushButton,
#attributes:[#textSize:#large, #textAlign: #left, #textStyle:[#bold]],
#title:"Yes", #tip:"", #locH:43, #locV:50, #width:60,  #height:13,
  -- No button
  tempWidget = [#value:2, #type:#defaultpushButton,
#attributes:[#textSize:#large, #textStyle:[#bold]], #title:"No",
#tip:"", #locH:113, #locV:50, #width:60,  #height:13, #enabled:TRUE]
  -- Don't show again
  -- theValue = gTools.pProgress.pBackButtonAnswerReminder
  -- tempWidget = [#value:FALSE, #type:#checkBox,
#attributes:[#textSize:#large, #textStyle:[#bold]], #title:"Do not show
me again.", #tip:"", #locH:43, #locV:77, #width:180,  #height:13,
  -- theWindowItems.add(tempWidget)  
  -- window end
  tempWidget = gMUI.instance.getItemPropList()
  tempWidget.type = #windowEnd
  gMUI.instance.initialize([#windowPropList: theWindowProps,
#windowItemList: theWindowItems])
  theDialog = gMui
  gMui = [:] -- void the global, better for memory
  return theDialog

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