I'd like to take a moment and tell you about a project I've been working
on - I hope you find it interesting.

Perhaps like you, I experimented with Flash Components for a bit before
deciding they were not for me.  I have my own library of components that I'
ve been building for quite some time, and I recently added several widgets -
Tree, List, Checkbox, and others to the library.  I have considered
distributing them, but I'm just not ready to distribute source code yet.

For quite some time now I have been annoyed that there was no
straightforward way to share protected lingo code with other developers.
Methods such as copying script members from protected casts were
complicated, annoying, and easily broken.  In addition, there are other
problems associated with protected code distribution.  (Namely,
documentation, and licensing protection.)

To address these issues and distribute my code library I have come up with a
solid, workable means to distribute protected lingo class libraries.
Collectively, these tools are referred to as the Inplicity Toolkit. The
Toolkit is primarily a protected class library that offers a wide range of

Dynamic Components:
* Basic Button, Checkbox, Radio Button
* Text, TextArea, List, Scrollbar
* Bitmaps, Rect, Border
* Easy global instantiators.for example: newButton(), newList(),
* Skinnable, customizable
* LDM safe

Core Tools:
* Channel Manager (dynamic sprite allocation / management)
* Event Manager (Subscription (or 'listener') model for message
* LinkedMovie Manager (manage linked director movies)
* ObjectStore (store and access objects by name, call methods within objects
without having direct object reference, broadcast to all objects in store.)
* Timer (LDM-compatible timeouts)
* NetManager (LDM-compatible network events)
* Misc. string utitlies

Code Publishing tools
* CodeProtection (protect your class library with serial number validation)
* ScriptReference (Generate HTML & XML reference files that include comments
and method declarations)
* Inplicity Reference (MX2004 Dockable tool with quick access to all scripts
in reference library.  Can't seem to remember method calls and
parameters?.now you don't need to!)

I am in the process of packaging these tools as a product or set of products
and I'm looking for beta testers.  Once released, accepted beta testers will
be thanked with a substantial discount on the product license fee.
(Participation in the beta program does not obligate you to purchase

If this sounds interesting to you, please drop me a note OFFLINE and tell
me what platform you're developing on, what version(s) of Director you use,
and how long you've been working with Director.  NOTE: I am planning a small
beta release at this time, and not all responders will be admitted to the
beta program.

I look forward to hearing from you,

John Mathis

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with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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