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I remember going through the exact thing about a year ago. I was looking for a programmatic way to do the exact same thing. I also had the requirement that I had to be able to do VR HotSpots cross-platform. Unfortunately I could not find a solution. I also ran across the Developware version, but it was Windows only. My client eventually dropped the requirement to show/hide ths hotspots.

I never followed through with trying out the Developware Xtra as I needed a cross-platform solution, so I can't tell you how well it works. But if your kiosks are Windows only, I think that they are the only game in town.


At 6:34 AM -0700 6/10/04, Paul Fretheim wrote:

I am new to this list.  Hi everybody!

My company has kiosks at Park visitor centers, bookstores and museums which run Macromedia Director loops which are subsets of our CDs which feature QTVR scenes.

As you know, there is a button at the bottom of the QTVR window which makes the hot spots toggle between visible and not visible. I would like to be able to write some Lingo code to make the QTVRs reset to the "Hotspots not Visible" mode, so when a potential customer has toggled the hotspots to visible, the Director movie will reset the hotspots to "Not Visible" the next time around so the panos do not have mysterious blue rectangles all over them after the person who clicked them visible, either knowingly or otherwise, walks away, leaving them visible.

I am using Director 8 and I have the reference books: "Director in a Nutshell," "Lingo in a Nutshell" and "Using Director 8," but I cannot find the correct property name for HotSpots.

I have been able to find the VRHotSpotEnter and VRHotSpotExit properties, which will give Boolean values that can be acted upon, but I can't find the property name for setting Visible/Invisible.

It occurs to me that this may be a property of the controller, but I have been unable to find settings there either.

Any assistance will be most appreciated.

I downloaded the demo version of an Xtra from Germany, which purports to offer the Hide/Show capablity I need, but the instructions were like trying to read a translation of Hegel and all the warnings put me off. There seemed to be so many potential instabilities that I would be reluctant to place something which relied on that at retaliers. Does anyone have experience with the "Developware" Xtras?


Paul Fretheim

Owner, Inyo Pro - Publishers of Interpretive Products on the National Parks



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