Hola Agustín...como esta, señor?

Thanks...but not quite what I'm looking for.  

I have a function in a swf sprite that's called by Director. Here's a snippet:

                var theValue;
                        theValue = getURL("lingo: getValue \"gTools.pProgress\"");
                        //where gTools is a parent object.
                        //also tried:
                        //theValue = getURL("lingo: return gTools.pProgress");
                } while(theValue == undefined);

DON'T TRY THIS!!!  It crashes Director! I've found that the flash<-->director 
communication is asynchronous.  I need (theValue) in order to continue on within my 
actionscript function, and (thheValue) is a local variable in a handler in a Director 
parent object.  I figured I could keep checking what the value was until the as code 
got it, then move on in the function.  I just can't figure out the right syntax to do 

- Michael M.

> getURL("lingo:gYourGlobal=\"someString\"");

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