On the windows platform, you can use activex to display Microsoft Word
files, assuming the end user have Microsoft word on their machine.  If
I remember correctly, the files can be displayed, BUT not editable.  
Playing with activex controls with Director isn't the easiest thing,
so some people prefer using webxtra.  Webxtra is pretty much an
Internet Explorer embedded into Director, so you can display HTML
pages.  Since Internet Explorer is also build as an activeX, you can
use webXtra to display word, excel, powerPoint, pdf files too.  If you
are having doubts if this works, simply drag a word file into Internet
Explorer, and you'll see what I mean.

- ca

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 16:52:59 -0300, Diego Landro
> Dear colisters,
>    Iīm working on a simpe project which is turning a little more
> complicated that i thought. I need to creat a CD containing various word
> documents which the user can read, but not modify. The problem im facing is
> that i canīt find an Xtra that would allow me to read Word documents and
> display them correctly in Directorīs stage. Is there something out there iīm
> missing, canīt this be done in Director? My client does not want to convert
> files to PDF format and display them with the PDF Xtra, he wants them
> displayed in a customized UI, so PDF Xtra does nort fit in the category. Up
> to now i was unable to find some Xtra that woul allow mw to show correctly
> on Directorīs stage Word tables, graphics and such. I thought it would be a
> matter of minutes to findsuch an Xtra, but im now -after hours and hours of
> doing so unsuccessfully- thinking it canīt be done, is this right? Please
> donīt tell me itīs impossible to paste .doc files in Director, cause my
> client would kill me.
> Thanks
> Diego Landro
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