>just thought id let everyone know about this site
>they are selling a package of director game source code for $30.

######## WARNING ########

This  is a scam, and it has already been going around on the other dir lists.

The people behind this scam use AOL adresses that have never been 
seen on lists before. The first mail is typically short like the one 
above. The next mail is a stupid rave review.

The persons who try to appear to unaffiliated with bussines, are 
clearly just the kids behind the scam. They tried the same scam three 
years ago.
Don't just take my word for it, check the archives of Direct-l and 
Dirgames-l, where you'll see consensus, that this is fraught.

I guess, the lamers think that even all the negative attention 
they'll get here is better than no attention.


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