>hey whom are you angry at...
>    cool it ...
>   honestly what do u think of india that is my country
>honest answer please

I totally don't understand this. Is somebody under the impression I've said 
something bad about India? Or about any country?

Junaid Alam, I assume India is a fine country. I've never been there, 
unfortunately, but I've heard good things about your country, and I get 
along fine with the Indians I know here in the U.S.

But the real honest answer is, I'm not angry at you, nor your country, nor 
any country, for that matter.

I *am* mildly put off by the prickly nationalist nature of a couple of 
postings today. The programmers I know, be they Irish, Indian, Chinese, 
Canadian, or whatever, are by and large a hard-working, conscientious 
group. I believe that has far more to do with the kind of people we are 
than where we are from.

Kerry Thompson
Sr. Interface Engineer
Learning Network

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