> Kurt, their is a new "handlers" function in d8 which should help you do this
> more efficiently.  Just try executing this line in one of your objects and
> see what you get:
> put me.handlers()
> Makes it very easy to interrogate any object as to what handlers it has
> available.

True, but there are some significant differences. First, me.handlers()
returns a list of every handler (not just ones designated as public). If you
want to only show the public methods, you need to parse through the data,
whether the data comes from the me.Handlers() call or the (the script of
me).text. me.Handlers() me been marginally more efficient, but there's
another advantage to parsing the text of the object's script.

me.Handlers() does not return any commenting on the handler itself, which
you will notice in my method (allowing the author of the object to explain
what arguments to pass, etc.). Now that I've thought about it, though, I
should throw a conditional statement in the new handler that only builds the
method string if the movie is in authoring mode.

Thanks for the thought - it's always a good idea to rethink one's code (time
permitting, of course).


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