
Create a separate handler for detecting the cues:

on exitFrame
   go the frame
on cuePassed me, channelID, cuePointNumber, cuePointName
   if (cuePointName = "speedlimit") and (channelID = 1) then
     go to frame 3
   end if

By the way, you can put a similar 'on cuePassed' handler in the cast 
script for your QT movie. It will then broadcast its cue points to 
other sprites which can then react (become visible or invisible, 
animate, and so on).

Good luck,

Tom Jacobs

>Hi all I am trying to access a cue point within a QT
>movie in order to start another action. Needless to
>say- I cannot get it to work.
>My script is as follows- well 1 variation of several!
>on exitFrame
>   go to the frame
>   if  cuePassed of sprite 1 = "speedlimit" then 
>     go to frame 3
>     end if
>(I simply want the playback head to jump to frame 3
>when the cue point "speedlimit" is reached)
>I can see the cue point name in the message window as
>-- Welcome to Director --
>put the cuePointNames of member "01_isa_claes_cl"
>-- ["speedlimit"]
>put the cuePointTimes of member "01_isa_claes_cl"
>-- [6385]
>..............but ...........
>I am using windows and mac, dir 8.0 and QT 4.0
>Any clues appreciated
>cheers Ernie Lee

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