> Is there an Xtra I can use, which will allow me to use the existing
> variables to edit the radio buttons on the description sheet and 
> print it in an 8.5" x 11" type format?

Your question refers to two separate issues: setting radio buttons via
variables, and printing.  As for the printing, Clint's answer is all you

In regard to keeping track of the 60 answers, you don't need an Xtra. Use a
list to track the user's responses - you won't have to keep track of sixty
separate variable names that way.  A linear list of 60 elements would be
simplest, but if you need to categorize the answers, a property list would
be better.  Doing arithmetic on list values is very fast, too.

Hope this helps,

* Rob Wingate, Software Human    *
* http://www.vingage.com         *
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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