Hi Philip,

>Check out the Xtra list at the Macromedia site and examine
>the offerings from the various "3D Engine" xtras. I believe
>that at least 2 of these Xtras have dynalic lights, but you
>might have to do the splines yourself... which ain't hard.
>Drop me a line if you need help on that part...

My tests reports two 3D engines really interesting:
  • _Dave_3D_Engine_ : Very well documented, and quite easy and quick to use
   if you're already familiar with openGL programming (using C, GtkGL, and I
   think also Fltk but never tried). But you'll quickly notice that this free
   engine doesn't provide you any light issues. The url (I think) is somewhere
   (?) on Macromédia webSite, because I belive it's where I've found the link.

  • If you're already ok with matrix pop and push and all the stuff... (I
   remember vrml work also like this with its group / transform nodes) I
   suggest you to try the Barry Swan free 3D Engine : a really great work he
   has done (I don't remember if he's on this list). The documentation is not
   so rich, but you'll can suscribe to a user/developer list, and this engines
   provides you advanced features:
    ¤ alpha channel
    ¤ Light manipulation
    ¤ Easy use of primitives (cube, sphere, pyramid...)
    ¤ fog effect
    ¤ many many more... see exemples on his website
   The url : <www.theburow.co.uk>

I'm afraid beziers/splines/nurbs modelisation with Lingo will be hard and 
cpu expensive, but this engine could help you for the start. If you're used 
to 3DS... I'm ready to bet you'll be quite disappointed ... but don't 
forget Director/Lingo goal is not to make slideshows with many pictures 
(there are cheapest tools that do this job). Lingo isto make your producion 
'intelligent' and far more than just rollOver image switching and QuickTime 
loading ;)
3D in Director is not to challenges with 3D hardcoded apps (like games or 
whatever you wants), What's really great using 3D in Director is the 
blending you can do with various media, like using 3D elements as remote 
control for QuickTimeVR movie for exemple (don't know if it's really a good 
idea, but it should be possible).

If you consider leaving Director 'cause of it's poor 3D performance 
comparing to specilased tools, mail wish-director, and pray for a quick 
release of Director9, with an hardware support of 3D acceleration . (Am I 

Hope theses urls helps you...


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