At 8:56 PM +0200 10/18/00, Jørn Madsen wrote:
>Hi list and thanks for the tip,
>Here is what I came up with and it is working.


That may appear to work because the file is either small and/or has 
been downloaded into your cache.  But you are missing a key concept. 
You only want to issue the GetNextText once.  The way you have it 
structured, you are potentially doing it multiple times.  Here's a 
suggestion of how to build it (untested):

global gBasketList
global gPosList
global gSpriteList
property mynetID

-- this only executes once
on beginSprite me
   set gBasketList = []
   set gPosList = []
   set gSpriteList = []
   fileID = member("hold input").text & ".txt"
   URL = "http//"
   URLComplete = URL&fileID
   mynetID = getNetText(URLComplete)

-- this exeutes multiple times
on exitFrame
   if netDone(mynetID) = FALSE then -- wait on this frame until 
getNetText is done
      go to the frame

   else  -- now do your parsing and go
      member("fileContent").text = netTextResult(mynetID)
      mySpriteString = "[" &member("fileContent").line[1] & "]"
      gSpriteList = value(mySpriteString)
      myPosString = "[" & member("fileContent").line[2] & "]"
      gPosList = value(myPosString)
      go to "urlCard"
   end if
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