>In order to reduce graphics/button elements
>is it viable to use such lingo
>on exitFrame
>   if (the mouseH < 475 and the mouseH > 385 and  the mouseV < 393 and the
>mouseV > 370) then
>     cursor 280
>     if the mouseDown=true then
>       play movie " so_and_so"

You can do this--I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to 
accomplish, though. Do you want to map areas of a larger picture?

A side note--processing is faster if you do your if statement like this:

if the mouseH < 475 then
   if the mouseH > 385 then
     if the mouseV < 393 then
       if the mouseV > 370

The way you have it written, Director will assess all the tests connected 
by the AND. My example is a little harder to read at first, but when one 
test fails, it skips the rest. The multiple if procedure is faster 75% of 
the time.

Another approach would be to have a transparent (NOT invisible) vector 
graphic overlay and have it check for mouseWithin.

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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