
> In America, the commercial use of drones was legalized early in 2012 ..
> Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos, "I know this looks science fiction. It’s not."
> Q: How are you going to ensure public safety?
> A: The FAA is actively working on rules and an approach for unmanned aerial
> vehicles that will prioritize public safety. Safety will be our top
> priority, and our vehicles will be built with multiple redundancies and
> designed to commercial aviation standards.

After watching the video, I am wondering why the rotor blades are
not encased in a protective barrier. I wouldn't want an unexpected
haircut in my back yard while waiting for a book to arrive.

I also wonder how they protect against theft.


Rick Welykochy || Vitendo Consulting

My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty.
She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
      -- Ellen DeGeneres

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