On Fri, 2014-06-06 at 21:33 +1000, Andy Farkas wrote:
> it already!  And what exactly is "an inferior connection" ? A
> FTTH connection either works or it doesn't.

With pretty much any networking technology that I know of, it's entirely
possible to have a connection that suffers from intermittent failures;
with most of them it's possible to have degraded performance - fibre
included. Bad fibre, bad splices, bad connectors, incompatible fibre
types, too-sharp bends... the causes of connectivity loss or degradation
are legion. And a wonky power connection will bring everything undone,
even if the network side is 100% perfect.

Not saying anything about the accuracy of the article, just taking issue
with your apparent statement that an NBN connection cannot be

> The general consensus is that Tony and Malcolm have
> successfully demolished the NBN as they threatened to
> do pre-election.

Yup. The Coalition[1] set out to, and have successfully, f&^$ed any
possibility of Australia having a decent broadband system for at least
20 years. Oh, bits of Australia will be fine - but most of it (and
particularly anyone outside major population centres) will be eating
scraps for a looong time yet. Thanks Malcom. Thanks Tony. Decency does
not permit me, in this forum, to use the words I want to use when
referring to you.

Regards, K.

[1] I only just noticed that the first part of "Coalition" is "coal"...

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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