Firefox falters, falls to record low in overall browser share

Apple's Safari also sheds combined desktop-mobile share, while Google's 
browsers gain impressive ground

By Gregg Keizer (Computerworld (US)) on 06 July, 2014 22:53

Firefox's user share on all platforms - desktop and mobile - has plunged in the 
last two months as its desktop browser continued to bleed and its attempt to 
capture users on smartphones failed to move the needle, new data shows.

Apple's Safari fared almost as poorly since April, also losing significant user 
share, with a continued decline on mobile and a sudden slide on the desktop to 

During June, 17.3% of those who went online surfed the Web using a mobile 
browser, according to Aliso Viejo, Calif.-based Net Applications. Mobile 
browsing's climb of nearly 6 percentage points in the last 12 months 
represented a growth rate of 52%.

As in April, when Computerworld last analyzed desktop + mobile browser user 
share, June's numbers put the hurt on Mozilla most of all: Firefox's total user 
share -- the combination of desktop and mobile -- was 12.9% for June, its 
lowest level since Computerworld began tracking the metric five years ago, and 
1.2 percentage points lower than just two months before.

Mozilla's problem remains an inability to attract a mobile audience. Although 
the company has long offered Firefox on Android and its Firefox OS has begun to 
appear on a limited number of smartphones, its mobile share was just 
seven-tenths of one percent, about three times smaller than the 
second-from-the-bottom mobile browser, Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Firefox hasn't helped itself of late, either. For the eighth straight month, 
the desktop version lost user share in June, falling by 1.3 percentage points 
to end with 15.4%. In the last year, Firefox's desktop user share as measured 
by Net Applications has dropped 3.6 percentage points, representing a 19% 

The timing is terrible, as Mozilla's current contract with Google ends in 
November. That deal, which assigned Google's search engine as the default for 
most Firefox customers, has generated the bulk of Mozilla's revenue. In 2012, 
for example, the last year for which financial data was available, Google paid 
Mozilla an estimated $272 million, or 88% of all Mozilla income.

Going into this year's contract renewal talks, Mozilla will be bargaining from 
a much weaker position, down 43% in total user share since June 2011.

Apple remained behind Mozilla in desktop + mobile browser user share, with a 
cumulative 12.3%, down from 13.1% two months earlier. Nearly two-third of its 
total was credited to Safari on iOS.

But the browser was hit by a one-two punch in June: Safari on iOS continued to 
shed share in June -- it's dropped 7.8 percentage points of mobile-only share 
in just the last 90 days, a 14% decline -- and the desktop version fell by 
four-tenths of a percentage point. Even so, the gap between Firefox and Safari 
has narrowed in the last two months, with the latter, even as it lost share, 
making up ground on the former.

Google was again the main beneficiary of the losses suffered by Mozilla and 
Apple, adding to its lead over both in June, when it had a combined desktop + 
mobile user share of 22.6%, 1.5 percentage points higher than in April.

Together, the stock Android browser and the newer Chrome - primarily, though 
not exclusively on Android - accounted for 39.4% of all mobile browsers by Net 
Applications' count. With Safari's downward trend and Google's pair on the 
upswing, the latter could take first place from Apple on mobile as soon as 

But it was Chrome on the desktop that powered Google's rise in combined user 
share for June. The browser added 1.6 percentage points to its desktop-only 
number, averaging 19.3% for the month. That was a record for desktop Chrome, 
which debuted in September 2008.

Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) continued to dominate the desktop, where its 
user share was 58.4% for June -- the highest since February 2011 -- but on 
mobile, IE remained stuck in the low single digits: 2% for the month. That put 
IE's combined share at 48.4%, the same as in April.

Overall, IE remained in a much stronger position than Firefox, as Microsoft has 
managed to reverse a long-running decline in IE's desktop share. But Microsoft 
faces the same dilemma as Mozilla: Without tablet and smartphone traction, 
which will rely on Windows gaining ground on the platforms, IE will slowly lose 
influence as mobile gradually erodes the personal computer's decades-long 
position as the first choice for browsing.

Norwegian browser maker Opera Software held a combined user share of 2.2% in 
June, up from 1.8% in April. Its mobile browsers, Opera Mini and Opera Mobile, 
accounted for 62% of the total. A recent deal that places Opera's Android 
browser as the default on new Nokia-branded, Microsoft-sold smartphones powered 
by an Android variant may fuel further increases.

Net Applications measures browser usage on smartphones, tablets and personal 
computers by tabulating approximately 160 million unique visitors each month 
who browse to the sites it monitors for customers.

When desktop and mobile browser data are combined, Google has a solid lock on 
second place, with almost as much user share as Mozilla and Apple put together. 
(Data: Net Applications.)

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