"A company wants to make Melbourne’s trams solar-powered"


A company has submitted a bold new proposal to Australia's Victorian state 
government, which would see Melbourne’s iconic tram network run entirely solar 
power within the space of a few years.

According to the pitch, the public transport network would be run by energy 
generated at two new solar farms built near Swan Hill and Mildura, in the 
state's north-west. Together these proposed farms would be capable of 
generating the 80 gigawatt-hours of electricity a year needed to run the tram 
network, which is the largest in the world.

According to the Australian Solar Group - the company behind the bid - if 
approved, the plan would cut 100,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year. 
Impressively, it also wouldn't increase the cost of public transport in the 

“It was a condition given to us as part of the mission that we couldn’t 
increase the cost of commuting,” Dave Holland, a co-founder of the Australian 
Solar Group, told Sophie Vorrath from RenewEconomy. “We modelled historical 
contracted and future prices … and [the result of] this has been one of the 
driving forces behind the project.”

The company has already invested AUD$3 million into the project, and has 
another AUD$70 million secured to build the solar farms, which they'll spend if 
the government-owned Public Transport Victoria commits to purchasing their 
energy for the next 20 years.

Relatively speaking, trams are already a pretty efficient form of public 
transport, but the fact that the electricity they require currently comes from 
burning coal means that they're still responsible for substantial emissions. 

The alternative to this, the Australian Solar Group believes, is two 20 MW 
solar farms set on 80 hectare plots, which use 130,000 photovoltaic panels to 
track the Sun throughout the day.

Their proposed Swan Hill site already has full approval for the farm to be 
built, and the permits are underway for Mildura, according to Holland. “The 
first site is ready to go, we could literally start site works immediately… 
within the week,” he told RenewEconomy. He predicts that construction would 
take around six months. Once up and running, the two solar farms would feed 
energy into the grid, which would offset the power demands from the tram 

So what's the likelihood that Victoria's government will get behind the 
proposal? Tom Arup over at The Age reports that Transport Minister Terry Mulder 
sent a letter to the Melbourne city council last October saying that it was 
interested in the project as it fitted in with its environmental goals, but 
that the proposal had to be: "measured against the availability of brown coal 
and natural gas that for many years have given Victoria a relatively cheap 
source of energy".

Fingers crossed that the government sees the long-term cost, as well as the 
environmental benefits of having one of their main transport networks run 
entirely on solar power. Because this is the best idea we've heard in a long 



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