On Sun, 2015-09-13 at 18:50 +1000, David Lochrin wrote:
> > May be time to seriously consider a shift to Linux.
> I've been using it for about 15 years and can recommend it!!  The only
> problem I have ever had is with ABC TV streaming and, lately, their
> audio streaming - "any browser you like as long as it's Chrome".  SBS
> works just fine, though of course Flash is required.

Since 1993, I think. Maybe it was 1994. Just after I joined ANU Computer
Services, anyway. Slackware on about 30 1.4MB floppies.

Re iView: You can retrofit Chrome's Pepper into Chromium with very
little effort; google it.

Alternatively you can use wget to first download a list of available
programs, then download the ones you want using the secret URLs in the
list :-) You end up with MP4 files that you can view over and over
again, whenever you like! Yes! The ABC do not like this, apparently, to
which I respond that if they choose to use ridiculously restive
proprietary formats and protocols for their delivery, then I choose to
ignore their instructions.

Get in touch if you want more info.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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