On 27/03/2017 10:06 AM, JanW wrote:
> My question: I am at the low speed setting of 12Mbs. If I upped it to the 
> next tier, 25Mbs, would that increase my speed difference OR would I still 
> get the jerky thru-put and the lower speeds? 

My guess is that you don't have an NBN problem, you have a local, wifi
contention problem using chromecast. The data has to come down from the
internet, go to your laptop then get sent to the chromecast device.

The laptop and chromecast are fighting for the same wifi bandwidth.

I had the same problem but didn't pursue it. I don't know if it's
possible or if it would work, but using different wifi channels might
improve things.



Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Sydney Australia
email: b...@iimetro.com.au
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