> Wireless connections that are 20 times faster? What could be disappointing 
> about that?


> Sci-fi author William Gibson’s observation that the “future is already here — 
> it’s just not very evenly distributed” rings especially true for 5G.


> The technologies behind 5G enable the use of very high frequencies. The 
> higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Shorter wavelengths enable 
> faster speeds and lower latency.
> But there’s the catch: With shorter wavelengths, the distance between the 
> device and the “tower” has to be much shorter, and the signal has a harder 
> time penetrating through materials such as walls and trees. To get around 
> those obstacles, companies need to deploy vastly more towers than existing 
> technologies do.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753  aim://kimholburn
skype://kholburn - PGP Public Key on request 

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