On Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:44:45 AEST Kim Holburn wrote:

> https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-communications/the-terrifying-potential-of-the-5g-network
>> The Terrifying Potential of the 5G Network
>> [...]

Not the least interesting part of this report is the article on the potential, 
but unknown, health effects associated with rollout of 5G networks linked at 

The article includes a long list of European countries and organisations which 
are considering or advocating a halt to 5G rollout until its health effects can 
be properly assessed by _independent_ experts, not by the usual suspects from 
the telecommunications industry.

I'd like to hear of important applications which would benefit from 5G, and I 
don't count arm-waving fantasies about how your toaster could talk to your 
coffee maker or pseudo-uses like being able to download an entire movie in 4 
seconds.  The article quotes a figure of US$400 Billion for installing 5G in 
U.S. metro areas.

And quite apart from 5G technology and its potential health risks, I'd also 
like to see a discussion of the possible problems of such intensive networking 
& control.  We can be absolutely certain it's not all onwards & upwards as 
Huawei et al would like us to believe.

Governments need to talk to experts in risk-management and control-systems.  
But perhaps such abstract issues just give some politicians a headache.

David L.

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