Climate crisis: Satellites to monitor air pollution generated by every power 
station in the world

‘Too many power companies worldwide currently shroud their pollution in 
secrecy… We are about to lift that veil’, says boss of firm backed by Google

Air pollution monitoring is to be revolutionised with the launch of a new 
satellite system capable of tracking the damaging greenhouse gas emissions 
coming from every large power station in the world in real time.

The project, developed by nonprofit emissions reduction software company Watt 
Time, will use a global network of satellites to measure carbon dioxide 
emissions and then make the data public.

It is backed by Google’s philanthropic wing, which has provided a 
$1.7m (£1.34m) grant.

Watt Time’s stated aim is “to use the resulting data both to hold polluting 
plants accountable to environmental standards, as well as to enable advanced 
new emissions reduction technologies.”

The company will work alongside other nonprofit companies to interpret, use and 
publish the data.

“Far too many power companies worldwide currently shroud their pollution in 
secrecy. But through the growing power of artificial intelligence (AI), our 
little coalition of nonprofits is about to lift that veil all over the world, 
all at once,” said Gavin McCormick, the firm's executive director.

“To think that today a little team like ours can use emerging AI remote sensing 
techniques to hold every powerful polluter worldwide accountable is pretty 
incredible. But what I really love about better data is how it puts most 
companies, governments, and environmentalists on the same side. We’ve been 
thrilled to see how many responsible, forward-thinking groups have started 
using advanced data to voluntarily slash emissions without anyone making them.”

The system promises far greater accuracy and detailed emissions data for each 
power station, effectively reducing barriers to insight into the impacts of 
power generation, ensure accurate emissions data and bring new opportunities to 
hold companies to account.

The satellite network will observe the power plants from space, while AI 
technology will use the image processing algorithms to detect signs of power 
plant emissions.

The project will ultimately combine data from a variety of different sensors. 
AI algorithms will cross-validate various indicators of power plant emissions. 
This will include using thermal infrared measurements to detect heat near smoke 
stacks or cooling water intake, and also using visual spectrum recognition 
technology to observe whether a power plant is emitting smoke.

Jacquelline Fuller, president of said: “AI is at a nascent stage 
when it comes to the value it can have for the social impact sector, and we 
look forward to seeing the outcomes of this work and considering where there is 
potential for us to do even more.”

Watt Time’s previous work includes a system in operation in the US called 
Automated Emissions Reduction (AER), which uses grid data alongside constantly 
learning algorithms to assess when the grid is running on the cleanest forms of 
energy. Houses with smart devices can then automatically adjust to take 
advantage of the available power.

The new satellite system provides the future possibility for an AER-type system 
to be rolled out across the globe.

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