> UK ISP group names Mozilla 'Internet Villain' for supporting 'DNS-over-HTTPS'
> UK government and local ISPs are putting the pressure on browsers to drop 
> plans to support DoH protocol.
> By Catalin Cimpanu for Zero Day | July 4, 2019 -- 22:55 GMT (08:55 AEST) | 
> Topic: Security
> The trade association for internet service providers in the UK has nominated 
> Mozilla for this year's award of "Internet Villain" because of the browser 
> maker's plans to support the DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) protocol in its Firefox 
> browser.
> In a statement published this week, the Internet Services Providers 
> Association (ISPAUK) claimed that Mozilla plans to support DNS-over-HTTPS "in 
> such a way as to bypass UK filtering obligations and parental controls, 
> undermining internet safety standards in the UK."
> The trade association's comments come after two months of constant criticism 
> aimed at both Mozilla and Google, from both the UK government and various 
> advocacy groups, and all are centered around the new DoH protocol.
> What is DoH and why do ISPs hate it?
> The DNS-over-HTTPS protocol (IETF RFC8484) works by sending DNS requests via 
> an encrypted HTTPS connection, rather than using a classic plaintext UDP 
> request, as classic DNS works.
> The other difference is that besides being encrypted, the DoH protocol also 
> works at the app level, rather than the OS level.
> All DNS-over-HTTPS connections take place between an app (like a browser or 
> mobile app) and a secure DoH-compatible DNS server (resolver).
> All DoH traffic is basically just HTTPS. DoH domain name queries are 
> encrypted and then hidden in regular web traffic sent to the DoH DNS 
> resolver, which then replies with a domain name's IP address, also in 
> encrypted HTTPS.
> As a side-effect of this design, this also means that each app controls the 
> privacy of its DNS queries, and can hardwire a list of DNS-over-HTTPS servers 
> (resolvers) in its settings, and not depend on the operating system's default 
> (and most likely DoH-not-compatible) DNS servers.
> This protocol design means that a user's DNS requests are invisible to 
> third-party observers, such as ISPs; and all DoH DNS queries and responses 
> hidden inside a cloud of encrypted connections, indistinguishable from the 
> other HTTPS traffic.
> In theory, the protocol is a dream from privacy advocates, but a nightmare 
> for ISPs and makers of network security appliances.
> UK fears DoH will cripple its national web blocking scheme
> In the UK, ISPs are legally forced to block certain types of websites, such 
> as those hosting copyright-infringing or trademarked content. Some ISPs also 
> block other sites at their discretion, such as those that show extremist 
> content, adult images, and child pornography. These latter blocks are 
> voluntary and are not the same across the UK, but most ISPs usually tend to 
> block child abuse content.
> By planning to support DNS-over-HTTPS, Mozilla is throwing a monkey wrench in 
> many ISPs' ability to sniff on customers' traffic and filter traffic for 
> government-mandated "bad sites."
> While some UK-based ISPs, such as British Telecom, have shown public support 
> for the DoH protocol, the vast majority have not.
> The jab from the ISPAUK trade association follows a two-month period during 
> which both Google and Mozilla have been criticized in the UK for their plans 
> to support DNS-over-HTTPS in their respective browsers, Chrome and Firefox.
> In mid-May, Baroness Thornton, MP for the Labour Party, brought up the DoH 
> protocol and its impending support from browser makers in a session of the 
> House of Commons, calling it a threat to the UK's online safety.
> Similarly, the GCHQ, Britain's intelligence service, has also criticized both 
> Google and Mozilla, claiming the new protocol would impede police 
> investigations and that it could undermine its existing government 
> protections against malicious websites.
> The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), a British watchdog group with a declared 
> mission to minimize the availability of online child sexual abuse content, 
> also criticized both Google and Mozilla, claiming the browser makers were 
> ruining years of work in protecting the British public from abusive content 
> by providing a new method for accessing illegal content.
> The Tor conundrum
> Basically, Google and Mozilla's support for DoH effectively narrows down to 
> the same moral dilemma that surrounds the Tor Project and the Tor network.
> Browser makers must now decide if it's worth supporting a tool that brings 
> privacy improvements to millions, at the expense of a few that may have to 
> suffer.
> Currently, DoH is not supported in the stable versions of Chrome and Firefox. 
> Google is still testing DoH support in Chrome, while Mozilla has completed a 
> successful DoH test in Firefox, and officially said it plans to support the 
> feature in the stable branch, but did not give out a timeline.
> Mozilla is nominated for ISPAUK's "Internet Villain" prize together with US 
> President Donald Trump (for causing a huge amount of uncertainty across the 
> complex, global telecommunications supply chain in the course of trying to 
> protect national security) and the EU's Article 13 Copyright Directive (for 
> threatening freedom of expression online by requiring 'content recognition 
> technologies' across platforms).
> Asked for comment on its nomination, Mozilla sent back the following reply.
> "We're surprised and disappointed that an industry association for ISPs 
> decided to misrepresent an improvement to decades old internet 
> infrastructure," a Mozilla spokesperson told ZDNet. "Despite claims to the 
> contrary, a more private DNS would not prevent the use of content filtering 
> or parental controls in the UK.
> "DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) would offer real security benefits to UK citizens. Our 
> goal is to build a more secure internet, and we continue to have a serious, 
> constructive conversation with credible stakeholders in the UK about how to 
> do that," the organization said.
> "We have no current plans to enable DoH by default in the UK. However, we are 
> currently exploring potential DoH partners in Europe to bring this important 
> security feature to other Europeans more broadly."
> On the other hand, for "Internet Hero," ISPAUK has nominated Sir Tim 
> Berners-Lee (for spearheading the 'Contract for the Web' campaign to rebuild 
> trust and protect the open and free nature of the Internet in the 30th 
> anniversary of the World Wide Web), Andrew Ferguson OBE, Editor, 
> Thinkbroadband (for providing independent analysis and valuable data on the 
> UK broadband market since the year 2000), and Oscar Tapp-Scotting & Paul 
> Blaker, Global Internet Governance Team, DCMS (for leading the UK 
> Government's efforts to ensure a balanced and proportionate agenda at the 
> International Telecommunications Union Conference).
> Article updated on July 5 at 3pm ET with Mozilla statement.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753  aim://kimholburn
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