> Australian House Committee to look into age verification for porn
> New inquiry becomes latest front in the culture war from the Australian 
> government.
> By Chris Duckett | September 11, 2019 -- 06:34 GMT (16:34 AEST) | Topic: 
> Security
> Australia is once again deciding to follow in the tracks of the United 
> Kingdom, with the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social 
> Policy and Legal Affairs to look into age verification for online pornography 
> and online wagering.
> The matter was referred to the committee by the Minister for Families and 
> Social Services, Senator Anne Ruston and Minister for Communications, Cyber 
> Safety, and the Arts, Paul Fletcher.
> The terms of reference for the inquiry state that it will be looking into age 
> verification under the auspices of protecting children online.
> The committee will look into "the potential benefits of further online age 
> verification requirements, including to protect children from potential harm, 
> and business and non-government organisations from reputation, operational 
> and legal risks," the terms state.
> Potential risks and unintended consequences for age verification will be 
> looked into as well, the terms state, including privacy breaches, freedom of 
> expression, false assurance, and whether adults are pushing into 
> "unregulated/illegal environments or to other legal forms of these 
> activities".
> The committee will also examine the economic impact of age verification, and 
> the impact on "eSafety resourcing, education, and messaging".
> See also: Why the UK's porn block will backfire spectacularly
> The terms of reference explicitly call out the United Kingdom's proposed porn 
> age checks, which were set to come into effect by July 15 but were later 
> shelved.
> Ironically for a country tearing itself apart over how to leave Europe, the 
> shelving was due to a failure to comply with EU standards.
> The committee is due to report back by October 25, and is accepting 
> submissions.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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