Mmmm …

From my experience they tend to hide behind catch-phrases like “World’s Best 
Practice” and award themselves self assessed gongs and appropriations, rather 
than face the simple truth that the vast majority of their IT projects are 
debacles and disasters.

That said, the I find the fact that the government are basically and 
fundamentally incompetent at IT projects (especially major large scale ones) 
very reassuring from a privacy and police state perspective. Dutton and his 
blackshirts, the highly politicised Federal Police and our all pervasive 
national security agencies, and our more-and-more police state welfare services 
seem to have problems getting any data, in any usable format,, even collected … 
let alone processed …

In short, their monumental IT incompetence saves the rest of us from their 
police-state ambitions. It doesn’t stop an ever increasing proportion of the 
Federal budget going the way of ‘intelligence’ and ‘intelligence services’ ... 
but given that 95% of that budget is wasted on utter IT crap we don’t have much 
to worry about.

Just my 2 cents worth ..
> On 31 May 2020, at 2:35 pm, Bernard Robertson-Dunn <> 
> wrote:
> On 31/05/2020 1:49 pm, Karl Schaffarczyk wrote:
>> So, people have lost interest. But what of it?
> It's the duplicity of the government that annoys me. Sometimes the full
> force of the legal system crashes down on them (cf RoboDebt), but until
> the public service learns the lessons I believe we have to keep
> hammering away at them, pointing out (using their own data) their failings.
> -- 
> Regards
> brd
> Bernard Robertson-Dunn
> Canberra Australia
> email:
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