White House Proposes Stablecoin Rules

Dan Primack, author of Pro Rata 12 hours ago

The White House on Wednesday released its initial assessment of regulatory 
considerations for stablecoins, a form of cryptocurrencies designed to have 
less pricing volatility than do more traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Why it matters: The document covers all U.S. stablecoin arrangements, including 
Facebook's Libra project, which is slated to launch next month.

Stablecoins' lack of pricing volatility is achieved by being pegged to other 
assets, such as fiat currencies, and means that they are well-positioned to be 
used for consumer retail, a bet that Facebook is making.

Inside the report: The President's Working Group on Financial Markets, which 
conducted the assessment, includes the top officials at the U.S. Treasury 
Department, Federal Reserve, Securities & Exchange Commission and Commodity 
Futures Trading Commission.

It primarily seems to be warning that there will be broad-based regulatory 
oversight of stablecoins, although it does include some specific guidance like 
maintaining a 1:1 reserve ratio and "adequate financial resources to absorb 
losses and meet liquidity needs."

It also wants there to be a swift and orderly claims process for stablecoin 
holders against the issuer, including 1:1 redemption in the underlying fiat 
currency (net of fees).

There is no explicit mention of requiring bank charters, which has been 
proposed by some in Congress, although it opens the door by suggesting some 
stablecoins may need "to rely on U.S.-regulated entities as intermediaries."

The bottom line: This is just a first step toward formal regulation, but it 
tells stablecoin issuers that regulation is coming.



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