EU pins hope on Norway raw materials discovery

Norway has discovered a huge deposit of critical raw materials.

By Mikhail Bushuev   26/01/2021

Michael Wurmser was a banker, investor and strategic consultant before he met 
new business partners from Norway.

They offered the Swiss national five licenses for a lucrative phosphate deposit 
in Norway which had previously caught the attention of local scientists.

What sounded rather unspectacular at first has turned into one of Europe's most 
fascinating discoveries.

Norway does not belong to the EU. Its huge deposit has certainly piqued the 
interest of the 27-member bloc and China.

Wurmser's company claims to have discovered the biggest deposit of its kind 
globally, which could produce 70 billion to 80 billion tons of ore-containing 

Phosphate, vanadium and titanium

After backing from Swiss and German investors, Wurmser and his partners founded 
Norge Mining in the UK in 2018.

They started taking soil samples in the Dalane region in sparsely populated 
southwestern Norway. Besides phosphates, two other important minerals were 
found: vanadium and titanium.

Vanadium is tipped to become the most important raw material of the future.

About a tenth of all globally mined vanadium is currently used to produce 
high-performance batteries that store renewable energy.

Vanadium batteries are far superior to conventional lithium-ion batteries. They 
can be charged faster and survive 10 times more recharging/discharging cycles 
without losing performance. Besides that, recycling them is easier.

Titanium is important for the steel industry, while phosphates are required for 
the production of fertilizers.

Electromagnetic field tests, carried out from a helicopter in 2019, produced a 
3D visualization of the whole ore deposit. At first, Norge Mining only expected 
the raw materials to reach a depth of 300-400 meters (984-1,312 feet).

Further test drilling and lab studies helped them calculate that the 
mineralization of the ore deposit reaches at least 2,200 meters (7,217 feet) 

The company now believes the depth could be up to 4,500 meters.

Location of the Norwegian raw materials deposit

"At first, we didn't expect the deposit to have such gigantic dimensions," 
Wurmser told DW.

Norge Mining says it has since secured six licenses for the development of an 
area four times the size of Paris, some 420 square kilometers (261 square 
miles). In 2012, the Geological Survey of Norway put the value of the deposit 
at some €30 billion ($36.4 billion). But that estimate assumed the ore deposit 
would have a depth of just 100 meters.

British consulting firm SRK calculated that the total ore body contains 70-80 
billion tons of phosphate-containing material, which would make it the world's 
largest phosphate deposit, ahead of Morocco's 50 billion and China's 30 billion 

Added to this is some 3.5 billion tons of ore-containing rock material, which 
contains 2.45 million tons of vanadium. Norge Mining didn't provide any details 
on the titanium deposit.

Critical raw materials for the EU

The Norwegian mega deposit has spurred the European Union's interest, all the 
more since phosphate, vanadium and titanium are on the European Commission's 
list of critical raw materials. The list contains 30 rare earths and other 
minerals which are classified as crucial for the bloc's economic and climate 
protection policies but predominantly need to be imported.

Often, importing these materials is risky or complicated. China, for instance, 
has reserved the right in its latest five-year plan to curtail exports of rare 
raw materials should they be needed for domestic production.

Over 60% of the EU's phosphate, vanadium and titanium supplies come from China, 
along with 20% from Russia and the rest from Kazakhstan, Morocco and other 
African nations.

By 2030, demand is likely to soar — up to 58% for vanadium alone, according to 
Berlin-based consortium EIT RawMaterials.

Seeking to reduce the risk of supply bottlenecks, Brussels has created the 
European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA).

The initiative is backed by 160 companies, including Norge Mining, to make 
raw-material supply chains resilient.

But the company hasn't specified just how much vanadium, titanium and 
phosphates it aims to supply to the bloc, arguing it's too early to say. After 
all, it will take about five years to begin extraction.

The EU doesn't see an immediate bottleneck in the supply of critical raw 
minerals, but the Economic Council of Germany's center-right Christian 
Democratic Union (CDU) party has called for the creation of reserves just in 

Alternative to oil exports

The European Commission is in talks with Norwegian authorities about potential 
supplies. Oslo, with its dwindling oil reserves, is already readying itself for 
the post-fossil fuel era. Extracting and exporting rare earth minerals could 
become a new pillar of economic growth.

Odd Stangeland, the mayor of Eigersund where the huge deposit is located, told 
DW the locals are happy about the discovery, especially as Norge has pledged to 
adhere to strict environmental protection standards.

Such is the backing for rare earth minerals, a highway may be rerouted so as 
not to be in the way of future mines, despite costing €330 million. Wurmser 
thinks that is a relatively small sum, given the expected yields. He says the 
Dalane deposit could be a multigenerational project, lasting for more than a 

Norge Mining drilling

Norge Mining's drilling activities have already started, with actual extraction 
to kick off in a couple of years

China calling

Wurmser noted how rare earth minerals have become a political hot potato. As 
well as the EU, China's state-run enterprises are taking a keen interest in its 
Norwegian project. "Every 10 days, there's a call from China," Wurmser told DW, 
sensing an unspoken wish to buy his firm, which he insisted is out of the 
question. "We only see them as potential recipients [of our minerals]."

In contrast, Norge sees the EU as a key partner, as it will help the bloc 
realize its ambition of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. This goal cannot be 
achieved without green technologies and long-lasting batteries, produced with 
the help of rare raw minerals that are mined responsibly, he told DW.

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