The latest update for OSX catalina fixes this issue.  Seemed it affected GL
applications particularly those in QT... Google Earth was affected also.


On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 3:00 PM Colin 't Hart <> wrote:

> I reported the same crash a few months ago but received no response at all.
> /Colin
> On 3 Jan 2022, at 20:46, Christopher Story <> wrote:
> Im getting a crash on the Linphone app for OSX, this happens immediately
> after it starts..  Here are some messages from the command line when trying
> the daily build...
> I also deleted the entire linphone directory in application
> support/linphone and its prefs and it still crashes..  Im not seeing
> anything in the logs of linphone in application support at all (zero
> bytes)..
> I do have the apple crash report, not sure if you need that..  its showing
> a "Graphics kernel error: 0xfffffffb"
> I have Qt 5.15.2 dev system installed for another project im working on,
> but i dont think this is trying to load those libs.
> % ./linphone
> QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
> An OpenGL surfcace format was requested that is either not version 3.2 or
> higher or a not Core Profile.
> Chromium on macOS will fall back to software rendering in this case.
> Hardware acceleration and features such as WebGL will not be available.
> QProcess: Destroyed while process ("whoami") is still running.
> 2022-01-03 13:28:27:149 bctbx-error-bctbx_file_open: Error open No such
> file or directory
> *[13:28:42:176][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Starting Linphone (bin: linphone)"
> *[13:28:42:176][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Use locale: en_US"
> *[13:28:42:310][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Available fonts :  
> (".AppleSystemUIFont",
> ".SF NS Mono", "Al Bayan", "Al Nile", "Al Tarikh", "American Typewriter",
> "Andale Mono", "Apple Braille", "Apple Chancery", "Apple Color Emoji",
> "Apple SD Gothic Neo", "Apple Symbols", "AppleGothic", "AppleMyungjo",
> "Arial", "Arial Black", "Arial Hebrew", "Arial Hebrew Scholar", "Arial
> Narrow", "Arial Rounded MT Bold", "Arial Unicode MS", "Avenir", "Avenir
> Next", "Avenir Next Condensed", "Ayuthaya", "Baghdad", "Bangla MN", "Bangla
> Sangam MN", "Baskerville", "Beirut", "Big Caslon", "Bodoni 72", "Bodoni 72
> Oldstyle", "Bodoni 72 Smallcaps", "Bodoni Ornaments", "Bradley Hand",
> "Brush Script MT", "Chalkboard", "Chalkboard SE", "Chalkduster", "Charter",
> "Cochin", "Comic Sans MS", "Copperplate", "Corsiva Hebrew", "Courier",
> "Courier New", "Damascus", "DecoType Naskh", "Devanagari MT", "Devanagari
> Sangam MN", "Didot", "DIN Alternate", "DIN Condensed", "Diwan Kufi", "Diwan
> Thuluth", "Euphemia UCAS", "Farah", "Farisi", "Futura", "Galvji", "GB18030
> Bitmap", "Geeza Pro", "Geneva", "Georgia", "Gill Sans", "Gujarati MT",
> "Gujarati Sangam MN", "Gurmukhi MN", "Gurmukhi MT", "Gurmukhi Sangam MN",
> "Heiti SC", "Heiti TC", "Helvetica", "Helvetica Neue", "Herculanum",
> "Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN", "Hiragino Mincho ProN", "Hiragino Sans",
> "Hiragino Sans GB", "Hoefler Text", "Impact", "InaiMathi", "ITF
> Devanagari", "ITF Devanagari Marathi", "Kailasa", "Kannada MN", "Kannada
> Sangam MN", "Kefa", "Khmer MN", "Khmer Sangam MN", "Kohinoor Bangla",
> "Kohinoor Devanagari", "Kohinoor Gujarati", "Kohinoor Telugu", "Kokonor",
> "Krungthep", "KufiStandardGK", "Lao MN", "Lao Sangam MN", "Lucida Grande",
> "Luminari", "Malayalam MN", "Malayalam Sangam MN", "Marker Felt", "Menlo",
> "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Mishafi", "Mishafi Gold", "Monaco", "Mshtakan",
> "Mukta Mahee", "Muna", "Myanmar MN", "Myanmar Sangam MN", "Nadeem", "New
> Peninim MT", "Noteworthy", "Noto Nastaliq Urdu", "Noto Sans", "Noto Sans
> Javanese", "Noto Sans Kannada", "Noto Sans Myanmar", "Noto Sans Oriya",
> "Noto Sans UI", "Noto Serif Myanmar", "Optima", "Oriya MN", "Oriya Sangam
> MN", "Palatino", "Papyrus", "Phosphate", "PingFang HK", "PingFang SC",
> "PingFang TC", "Plantagenet Cherokee", "PT Mono", "PT Sans", "PT Sans
> Caption", "PT Sans Narrow", "PT Serif", "PT Serif Caption", "Raanana",
> "Rockwell", "Sana", "Sathu", "Savoye LET", "Shree Devanagari 714",
> "SignPainter", "Silom", "Sinhala MN", "Sinhala Sangam MN", "Skia", "Snell
> Roundhand", "Songti SC", "Songti TC", "STIXGeneral", "STIXIntegralsD",
> "STIXIntegralsSm", "STIXIntegralsUp", "STIXIntegralsUpD",
> "STIXIntegralsUpSm", "STIXNonUnicode", "STIXSizeFiveSym",
> "STIXSizeFourSym", "STIXSizeOneSym", "STIXSizeThreeSym", "STIXSizeTwoSym",
> "STIXVariants", "STSong", "Sukhumvit Set", "Symbol", "Tahoma", "Tamil MN",
> "Tamil Sangam MN", "Telugu MN", "Telugu Sangam MN", "Thonburi", "Times",
> "Times New Roman", "Trattatello", "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana", "Waseem",
> "Webdings", "Wingdings", "Wingdings 2", "Wingdings 3", "Zapf Dingbats",
> "Zapfino")
> *[13:28:42:310][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Running app..."
> *[13:28:42:388][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Activated selectors:" ("custom",
> "en_US", "unix", "darwin", "mac", "osx", "macos")
> *[13:28:42:389][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Registering types..."
> *[13:28:42:389][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Registering shared types..."
> *[13:28:42:389][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Registering tool types..."
> *[13:28:42:390][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Registering shared tool types..."
> *[13:28:43:221][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Loading main view..."
> *[13:28:43:960][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Launch async core creation."
> *[13:28:47:508][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Core is starting  "Starting up"
> *[13:28:47:671][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Core is running  "On"
> *[13:28:47:671][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Set `Friends` path:
> `/Users/testuser/Library/Application Support/linphone/friends.db`"
> *[13:28:47:825][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Set `CallLogs` path:
> `/Users/testuser/Library/Application Support/linphone/call-history.db`"
> *[13:28:47:826][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Using ZrtpSecrets path :  
> "/Users/testuser/Library/Application
> Support/linphone/zrtp-secrets.db"
> *[13:28:47:826][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Using UserCertificate path :  
> "/Users/testuser/Library/Application
> Support/linphone/"
> *[13:28:47:826][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Using RootCa path :
> "/Applications/"
> *[13:28:47:828][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Start iterate"
> *[13:28:47:828][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Sip addresses model from Chats : 0
> ms.
> *[13:28:47:829][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Sip addresses model from Calls : 0
> ms.
> *[13:28:47:829][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Sip addresses model from Refs : 0
> ms.
> *[13:28:47:829][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Sip addresses model from Contacts :
> 0 ms.
> *[13:28:47:829][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*Sip addresses model initialized in:
> 0 ms.
> *[13:28:47:829][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Notify event count: 0."
> *[13:28:47:830][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Migrate from old rc file (0 to 2)."
> *[13:28:47:830][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"CoreManager initialized"
> *[13:28:48:499][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Open Linphone app."
> *[13:28:48:499][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Creating subwindow:
> `qrc:/ui/views/App/Calls/CallsWindow.qml`."
> *[13:28:50:005][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Subwindow status: `1`."
> *[13:28:50:050][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Creating subwindow:
> `qrc:/ui/views/App/Settings/SettingsWindow.qml`."
> *[13:28:50:241][0x7fe701d1a140][Info]*"Subwindow status: `1`."
> zsh: abort      ./linphone
> nbkhwjm@Chriss-MacBook-Pro MacOS %
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