
Linphone for Android can be built with/without Crashlytics.

You can only enable it if linphone-SDK debug libraries are found on the computer that does the build (which can only be the case if the SDK was built manually and the app configured to use that local build instead of using a maven artefact). If that's the case, it depends on the flavor you ask Android Studio to generate: release or releaseWithCrashlytics.

Our releases on the Play Store don't have it, only some beta versions have Crashlytics enabled.
And of course F-Droid disables it as well when they build a new version.

Hope it clarifies.

Sylvain Berfini
*Head of Mobile & Desktop Apps Department*

+33 (0)9 52 63 65 05

Discover our solutions in 3 minutes! <https://player.vimeo.com/video/393868225?autoplay=1>

/Belledonne Communications, the company behind the Linphone project/

Le 02/03/2023 à 11:01, bb-darlek via Linphone-users a écrit :

I am looking to use Linphone on /e/OS AOSP (DeGoogled phone), its App Store (App Lounge) informs user of the Exodus Privacy rating and permissions and trackers, it lists Google CrashLytics as a tracker within Linphone.

However, Linphone on F-Droid shows no such tracker.

Can you confirm if Linphone has Googles CrashLytics Tracker embedded in the code.


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