Hello Stan,

> I changed the WRL2-25 output to another soundcard, 
> other than the delta 44 and WLR2-25 now starts up 
> and runs OK.
Good! What will become 02-26 now runs under Windows
with both input and output on the same Delta 44 card.
I will wait a while for more bug reports before upload.

> Watzo1-01 has a peculiarity.
> When I start from a fresh down load without a par_ui setup file:
> I enter a S for setup,
> font scale (1 to 5):   I select 3 as I had with WLR2-25
OK. There is no need to have the same.

> percentage of screen width (33 to 98):  I chose 95
OK. A wide screen is good for watzo.
> network base port (50000 to 65000):   I chose 50005
> []  new last byte (0 to 15):  I chose 0   (and got
> What should be the criteria to select ?
> I guess that it must exactly match the WLR2-25 program in use.

> percentage screen height to use (25 to 92):   I chose 92
This is useful only in case you have very much memory
or in case you do not look for particularly weak signals
so you have small fft2 transforms or if you have a small
screen so 92% is not a large number of lines.
> max scratch file in power of two (26 to 36):  I chose 36
> What should be the criteria to select a number, memory size  ?
36 is the maximum, 16 files of the largest size that
I know how to read with random access. They will use
16 gigabytes of hard disk space. If you set up your
system with two RF channels at 96 kHz you will generate
4*96000 samples/sec. With a sine squared window the
number of samples is doubled. Properly set up the MMX
routines do as well as the float routines but they save
very much CPU load and they reduce the data rate on the
network and the watzo file size by a factor of two.
With MMX you will have 4*96000*4 bytes/second or 
1.5 megabyte/s. With 16 gigabytes of scratch file
size watzo will then allow you to look about 10000
seconds or nearly 3 hours back in time.
> waterfall lines limitation (50 and above): I chose 50
OK. Now you will find that most of your screen is black.
You may edit par_ui for perhaps 30% vertical size
but under windows you can somply make the screen smaller
by resizing it.

> I save this data and a par_ui setup file is created.

> If I want to go back and change this setup file because I am now using a 
> different
> address like vs. what I set up in WLR2-25 as
> There is no opportunity to change unless I get out of watzo and delete 
> the par_ui set up file.
> and create a new par_ui file with a new setup.
You can also use any text editor.

> Possibly a function key to enable a new set up is needed.
> If I goofed up and set up the network base port (50000 thru 65000) with 
> the wrong number,
>  I can never change  it, even with a new par_ui setup file. It seems to 
> be set for life.......
No. Everything is in par_ui.

> I am using a simple network with a DSL modem, to a 4 port router,
>  to 2 computers, and a network printer. Computers are win XP on a 100 
> base wired network.
> Must WLR2-25 be started on the "front end" (master) computer, enable 
> network RX,
> then startup watzo1-01 on the second computer to receive the data ?
> Do I also need to start up WLR2-25 on the second (slave) computer ?
> Is watzo simply the comms link between 2 each WLR2-25 applications ?
No. You can start Linrad.exe on any of the two computers.
You can also start the slave on any of them so the master
and the slave are in the same computer or in different
ones. You can start the slave and the master in any order.
Watzo can be started on any of the computers in any order
as compared to the master and the slave(s) so all three are in
the same computer or you can add computers to the network
and have up to MAX_NETSLAVES (=16) slaves on any number
of computers between 1 and 16. 

> Longer term objective is to extend the network on ethernet fiber optic
> transceivers and remotely locate the RX system outside near the planned 
> antennas.
OK. What you then would need is a simple program
that would send the raw data to the network but
that you could command via the network to set
the hardware frequency and gain for you. Presumably
you will need several other things like antenna
switches etc under network control. All of this can 
be added in Linrad with a suitable (w)users_hwaredriver.
Actually two different ones, one at the antenna and 
another at the operating position.
(You will have to install Linux somewhere to generate
linrad.exe with the wusers_hwaredriver.c of your choice
included in it. Presumably there are tools that make 
it possible directly under Windows but that is beyond
my experience.)


Leif  /  SM5BSZ

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