Hi Joe,

> Yes, it should be possible to run everything on a single 
> fast computer with plenty of memory.  I have not yet 
> established that the necessary CPU-sharing during 
> time-critical parts of each program is handled adequately 
> for this to work without glitches.  Neither Linrad nor 
> Windows is a very good real-time O/S, and one must work 
> around their limitations in this area.
I do not think there would be any problems:-)

> Moreover, one will almost certainly want separate screens 
> for Linrad and MAP65 -- both of which generally use most or 
> all of a normal-size screen.
Yes, I agree - but those who have only one standard computer
should know it is possible - if it really is;-)

> For testing MAP65 when real signals are not available, and 
> anyway so that I can get 100% repeatable results, I solved 
> this problem in a slightly different way.  I saved some data 
> by using the Linrad "S" command during the ARRL EME contest 
> last November.  With a slightly modified Linrad I converted 
> the data to 16-bit TIMF2 format, and wrote it to a file.  A 
> simple program that I call "plrs" (for "pseudo-Linrad send") 
> can read this file and multicast it in the same way that 
> Linrad would do, so that MAP65 can receive it.  The data 
> file, 11 minutes of original data, amounts to 507 MB.  After 
> compression with bzip2 it is 228 MB.  I will make the data 
> file available soon, together with plrs and MAP65, to anyone 
> who wants to participate in testing MAP65.
Hmmm, I would have liked a file that allows me to play with
Linrad on the data that are sent to MAP65. Presumably you have
a couple of spurs and perhaps other "interesting" interference
that MAP65 (or at least the waterfall graph) would benefit from
not getting. 

Surely, for MAP65 testing and development I agree that your
strategy is more convenient - but from my point of view the
original file is far more interesting....

73  Leif / SM5BSZ

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