Hi Jens,

> just got the WSE-units powered up. When I try to change 
> settings with Z-command Windows stops, in other words I 
> can't change frequencysettings. Any other with this 
> problem? I'm using 2.34.

The file inpout32.dll has to be available to Linrad.
You can download it from the Linrad home page
http://www.sm5bsz.com/linuxdsp/linrad.htm and place it
in the Linrad directory or any other directory available
to Linrad (I do not know the Windows conventions where to
place DLL files.) 

You also have to set the hardware address for your parallel port.
Press "S" on the Linrad main menu. (888 is the default for lpt1
on a PC computer)


Leif / SM5BSZ

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