Hi Ermanno,

Hi Joe.
Thank you for the answers.
Also here uses a program for the control of the rotors (as is small the world !!) taking the data from [azel.dat] One of I these days will add the routine for set of the frequency also.

Thank you

Ermanno / ik7ezn

p.s. Do I be trying to decode from a recorded file ( "S" key of Linrad) but probably don't find the any sync for the time not real, any suggestion?

I assumed, as you did, that raw data files saved by the Linrad "S" command do not have time information. I now understand from Leif that this is not so. I do not tested to see whether, when one reads a raw data file back into Linrad, it is possible to have Linrad send network data -- and if so, whether the network data will have the original UTC time stamps.

I will probably put a "Save" feature into MAP65, anyway.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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