Over the past three weeks I have given the Linrad-MAP65 combination a thorough workout on 2m EME.

My log for the period July 3-23 2007 shows 113 EME QSOs with 95 different stations, including 33 DXCCs, 79 VUCC squares, and K1JT EME initials #235 through #285. Most of the QSOs originated after a callsign appeared on my "Band Map" screen. I set my Tx frequency to the listed frequency, my Tx polarization to "H" or "V" as advised by MAP65, and answered the station's CQ or tail-ended his present QSO.

Many other QSOs were made when stations replied to my CQs. Since I knew that most other stations are not using MAP65, I usually posted the fact that I was calling CQ and my calling frequency on the N0UK EME logger.

On a number of occasions I copied messages that various people sent me at some arbitrary frequency between 144.100 and 144.160 to see whether MAP65 would copy the message. The messages were usually something like "JT HI JOE 9MY", sent by AA9MY. As far as I know, every such message sent while I was operating was received.

My station includes a 4 x 14 xpol array and about 1 kW at the power splitter.

There is no question that the Linrad-MAP65 combination makes a very powerful tool for amateur EME. I find it a pleasure to use, and I can heartily recommend it to others!

I have accumulated a long list of things that should be added (or improved) in the program. I encourage others who have experimented with it to send me their own lists, or post them on this reflector.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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