Leif Asbrink wrote:
Hi Jeff,
I can't get linrad to compile on a relative clean installation of Ubuntu Feisty (7.04).

./configure can't find soundcard.h because it doesn't look in a path containing `uname -r`.
This is no error. Linrad looks for soundcard.h in some directories
specific for OSS. If it is not present Linrad will assume soundcard.h
is provided by ALSA (or legacy sound)
The only error is that the C compiler is not properly installed. I do not know the exact reason, maybe the run time libraries are
missing. Have a look at config.log, it might advice what more
packages you need to make GCC work.


Thanks for the quick reply.  Some searching turn up this link
which suggests that I need to install libc6-dev.  That helped.

I also needed to install the xorg-dev package.

...just in case anyone asks.

jeff, wa1hco

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