Hi Roger,

> the reason for the changed behavior was that I had left a modified 
> windef.h file from Linrad in the PATH.  After removing it I am back to 
> the previous behavior, getting the error message:
> form.ui.h:30:  error: cannot convert 'const char*' to 'constWCHAR*' for 
> argument '1' to 'HINSTANCE__* LoadLibraryW<const WCHAR*>'

Unfortunately I have no idea what to do. Why you get a message
about LoadLibraryW and not LoadLibrary for example.

But I have done one thing : The file windef.h of Linrad is now
renamed to wdef.h so it will never again be confused with Windows
own system files.

> Again, sorry for the bandwidth, but any help is appreciated!
Sorry, hope someone else can help.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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