> Back in 1999 there was a satellite learning service that IBM had.  Not sure i
> f it is
> still in existence.  Required a 4 foot dish and you had a yearly subscription
> .  For
> that year, all courses were available to you.  Yes, you could tape the course
> material for viewing later.
> When I looked at it, it was basically MVS and AS/400 only.
> I always wondered if someone could kick start it to also contain VM, VSE and
> now
> Linux/390.  It would go a long way to solve training issues for those of us w
> hose
> cities are bypassed.  Not that I don't mind traveling <G>.
> Perhaps with the avent of high speed internet service (DSL and cable modem),
> and
> large disk storage devices, perhaps this can be changed to an Internet based
> service.  If colleges and universities can have telecommutting courses, I wou
> ld
> think something can be done in our field.

Such courses exist. I was looking at some courses the other day. I think it was
somewhere in ZD.

I didn't see any mainframe-related courses, but Linux gets a mention.
John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

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