Many thanks to Mark, Daniel, John and Alan.

Looks like all I needed (other than the original kernel eratta) was the
modutils update.

I was fortunate this was a small chain to chase, in that this system is
not connected to the net, and therefore I can not do the easy tricks
such as up2date  :-(

Thanks to all!

From:         Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      Re: Red Hat 7.2 upgrade
On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 16:47, Post, Mark K wrote:
> Paul,
> I and many others have been down that road.  It's one of more
> things, probably why someone adapted Debian's apt-get tool for RPMs.
> out and look at the second
entry for
> 01/21/2002.  Alan Cox talks about apt-rpm there.

Or if you are using Red Hat network

        up2date packagename

will do the thinking for you too

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