On Thursday, 10/31/2002 at 12:54 CST, James Melin
> IMHO vi is the clearly among the most user hostile editors ever created.
> VI. Virtually Impossible. Very Irritating. Vastly Infuriating. Violently
> Insolent.  Modern computers should use modern editors. (Ok. Ok, let the
> crucifiction and stoning begin)

Please, let's not, eh?  While it's only been a week or so since I last saw
any Holy Editor Wars (in another list I follow), I'm not yet feeling the
need to witness heretics being burned at the stake.  (Personally, I think
choice of editor should be part of the famed "Don't Ask - Don't Tell"

Peace.  Love.  Linux.   (Let's all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya".)

Alan Altmark
Sr. Software Engineer
IBM z/VM Development

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