Fortunately it's still available from IBM Taiwan, who it seems aren't
singing from quite the same hymnsheet as the folks in the USA :)

See also

Grab it before the Revisionists erase it too... a copy will be going up at but I don't have infinite bandwidth...

(CC'ed to Mark in case I'm still banned from posting to Linux-390)

The book itself is not in the cache at Google, but I and a number of other
people have copies (I know it was one of the more popular downloads).

But, I did come across a pointer this message, dated October 24 2002, on
IBM-Main listserv:

It's Mike MacIsaac, the lead author of that book explaining that he's been
ordered not to talk about why the book and the software were removed.
Sometimes I really _want_ to be wrong, and this was one of them.

Well, I'll offer to send a copy of the book to anyone that wants one, and
doesn't have it (it's a little under 3MB in size).  Maybe Giorgio Bellussi
will host this one too, if enough people think it's worthwhile.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
John Summerfield
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: Yet Another IBM Conspiracy Theory

On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Mark Post wrote:

> Ok, now someone's stolen an entire Redbook, and all the Open Source
> that came with it (at least as far as _I_ can tell).
> Someone sent me an offlist email indicating that the "Open Source
> for z/OS and OS/390" Redbook has been made to disappear, as well as the
> software that it discusses.  I checked the FTP server, and there was a
> readme.txt file there indicating that all the software had been moved to
> IBM's "UNIX Tools & Toys" web page, which was what I recalled had been
> with it.  When I went to that page, though, there was a notice that said
> "The Ported Tools section is being serviced and is not available at this
> time."  Now, just what that means is unclear to me, but taken with the
> Redbook being missing, it's rather odd.
> Does anyone know how long the Ported Tools section has been down for
> "service?"  Does anyone know where to find the official copy of the

Is this time to disseminate unofficial copies?

Is it in the Google cache?



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